While we have not a solution for this bug, there’s a workaround to play zsnes with sount in Ubuntu Hardy Heron (aka Ubuntu 8.04).

zsnes -ad sdl romname
While we have not a solution for this bug, there’s a workaround to play zsnes with sount in Ubuntu Hardy Heron (aka Ubuntu 8.04).
zsnes -ad sdl romname
FF6 is awesome!
Did you install libsdl1.2debian-oss package? It fixed the annoying cracked sound for me.
Aff, eu até estranhei o Silva no nome, mas agora que eu vi “Federal University of Ceará”. uhauhaauh
Instala o pacote que eu falei, talvez resolva o problema do som ruim após usar o comando que você mencionou.
Just go to System –> Preferences –> Main Menu. Select Games, go to ZSNES Emulator, choose Preferences, and set the command to zsnes -ad sdl. Or, you can launch the GUI from the command line. To do that, just type zsnes -ad sdl instead of typing zsnes -ad sdl romname.