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JavaFX, Side Scrolling Gaming

I started to make several small JavaFX game demos. I’m doing that to fell where JavaFX is good to make this sort of game and what patterns would be frequently needed to implement, where I will place a little framework for fast development of simple casual games. What I’m calling now just ‘GameFX’. My first experiment was to creating a side scrolling animation that’s is usefull to create the parallax effect in side scrolling games. For that I created the class Slidding. You create an Slidding with a set of nodes and they will slide from right to left and when a node reaches the left side it back to the right side.


Slidding {
    content: [
       Circle {
           centerX: 100, centerY: 100, radius: 40
           fill: Color.RED
       Circle {
           centerX: 300, centerY: 100, radius: 40
           fill: Color.BLUE
    clock: 0.05s

That produces:

You create a Slidding with a list of Nodes at content, a clock (that will determine the speed of that animation) and a width. If you don’t provide a width, the slidding will do the best effort to determine one. You can use this approach to create more complex scenarios, using more Slidding groups.

This is a example of that:

import javafx.application.*;
import javafx.animation.*;
import javafx.scene.geometry.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.*;
import javafx.scene.*;

import gamefx.Slidding;

var SCREENW = 500;
var SCREENH = 400;

/* the sky is a light blue rectangle */
var sky = Rectangle {
    width: SCREENW, height: SCREENH
    fill: LinearGradient {
        startX: 0.0 , startY: 0.0
        endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
        proportional: true
        stops: [
            Stop { offset: 0.0 color: Color.LIGHTBLUE },
            Stop { offset: 0.7 color: Color.LIGHTYELLOW },
            Stop { offset: 1.0 color: Color.YELLOW }

/* the ground is a olive rectangle */
var ground = Rectangle {
    translateY: 300
    width: 500, height: 100
    fill: LinearGradient {
        startX: 0.0 , startY: 0.0
        endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
        proportional: true
        stops: [
            Stop { offset: 0.2 color: Color.OLIVE },
            Stop { offset: 1.0 color: Color.DARKOLIVEGREEN }

/* a clod cloud is like an ellipse */
class Cloud extends Ellipse {
    override attribute radiusX = 50;
    override attribute radiusY = 25;
    override attribute fill = Color.WHITESMOKE;
    override attribute opacity = 0.5;

/* we create a slidding of clouds */
var clouds = Slidding {
    content: [
        Cloud{centerX: 100, centerY: 100},
        Cloud{centerX: 150, centerY:  20},
        Cloud{centerX: 220, centerY: 150},
        Cloud{centerX: 260, centerY: 200},
        Cloud{centerX: 310, centerY:  40},
        Cloud{centerX: 390, centerY: 150},
        Cloud{centerX: 450, centerY:  30},
        Cloud{centerX: 550, centerY: 100},
    clock: 0.2s

var SUNX = 100;
var SUNY = 300;
var rotation = 0;

/* the sun, with it's corona */
var sun = Group {
    rotate: bind rotation
    anchorX: SUNX, anchorY: SUNY
    content: [
        for (i in [0..11]) {
            Arc {
                centerX: SUNX, centerY: SUNY
                radiusX: 500, radiusY: 500
                startAngle: 2 * i * (360 / 24), length: 360 / 24
                type: ArcType.ROUND
                fill: Color.YELLOW
                opacity: 0.3
        Circle {
            centerX: SUNX, centerY: SUNY, radius: 60
            fill: Color.YELLOW

/* animate the corona changing the it rotation angle */
var anim = Timeline {
    repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE
    keyFrames : [
        KeyFrame {
            time : 0s
            values: rotation => 0.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR
        KeyFrame {
            time : 2s
            values: rotation => (360.0/12) tween Interpolator.LINEAR

/* a tree is a simple polygon */
class Tree extends Polygon{
    public attribute x = 0;
    public attribute y = 0;
    override attribute points = [0,0, 10,30, -10,30];
    override attribute fill = Color.DARKOLIVEGREEN;
        translateX = x;
        translateY = y;

/* a forest is a lot of trees */
var forest = Slidding{
    content: [
        Tree{x: 20, y: 320}, Tree{x: 80, y: 280}, Tree{x:120, y: 330},
        Tree{x:140, y: 280}, Tree{x:180, y: 310}, Tree{x:220, y: 320},
        Tree{x:260, y: 280}, Tree{x:280, y: 320}, Tree{x:300, y: 300},
        Tree{x:400, y: 320}, Tree{x:500, y: 280}, Tree{x:500, y: 320}
    clock: 0.1s
    width: SCREENW

Frame {
    title: "Side Scrolling"
    width: SCREENW
    height: SCREENH
    closeAction: function() {
        java.lang.System.exit( 0 );
    visible: true

    stage: Stage {
        content: [sky, sun, clouds, ground, forest]


If you want to try these examples, place this Slidding implementation as Slidding.fx in a directory named gamefx, or grab here the NetBeans project.

package gamefx;

import javafx.scene.CustomNode;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;

 * The slidding group of nodes for side scrolling animations.
 * @example
 * Slidding {
 *    width: 300
 *    content: [
 *       Circle { centerX: 100, centerY: 100, radius: 40, fill: Color.RED },
 *       Circle { centerX: 200, centerY: 100, radius: 40, fill: Color.BLUE },
 *    ]
 *    clock: 0.05s
 * }
public class Slidding extends CustomNode {
    public attribute content: Node[];
    public attribute clock = 0.1s;
    public attribute width: Number;

    public attribute autostart = true;
    public attribute cycle = true;

    public attribute anim = Timeline {
        repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE
        keyFrames : [
            KeyFrame {
                time : clock
                action: function() {
                    for(node in content){
                        if (node.getX() + node.translateX + node.getWidth() <= 0){
                                node.translateX = width - node.getX();
                            } else {
                                delete node from content;
                } // action
            } // keyframe
    } // timeline 

    public function create(): Node {
        // if width is not setted, we try to figure out
        if(width == 0) {
            for(node in content) {
                if(node.getX() + node.getWidth() > width) {
                    width = node.getX() + node.getWidth();

        // normaly the slidding will start automaticaly

        // just a Group of Nodes
        return Group {
            content: content

Is not the final implementation but it’s a idea. Soon I’ll show a demo game I did using theses codes.

Published inenglish


  1. […] A simple demo using some techniques described in the post JavaFX side scrolling gaming. […]

  2. PRo PRo

    I found JavaFX for two days, when I lookup for plugins for netbeans. I’m new on netbeans and now I’m new on JavaFX 🙂 .

  3. justmeagain justmeagain

    Awesome! Now I modify that retro megaman game ive been working on. THX a million.

  4. andres andres

    try with NetBeans 6.5.1 and get errors: attribute not longer suport and start() has script only access

  5. lee lee

    why is it the source codes not running in NetBeans IDE 6.8?
    Can you pls provide new codes for the new version of NetBeans?

  6. Lee,

    The JavaFX language has suffered some transformation in the period between when I wrote this article until now. Those codes should not work properly in the latest versions of NetBeans.

  7. Ian Ian

    I barely understand any of this code and ive been doing javaFX for months. Has java really changed so severly in 7 years

  8. Hi Silveira,

    I’ve been busy developing a game in JavaFX the past 1, 5 year (http://www, and am really happy with what JavaFX has to offer. However, I did notice that animations are seldom fluid. Almost all of them have little shocks when moving. It’s not my hardware setup (fast pc, and the graphics are rendered using a geforce 970), and I can’t seem to find any valid information about this phenomenon.
    I noticed (in your videos) that your code seems to suffer from the same phenomenon, and was wondering if you have any clue what might cause this. Is it JavaFX specific? Is it Windows screwing up things for JavaFX? I’ve tried all kinds of things, like trying to more or less sync the animations with clockticks (used to do that in good old Turbo-C, don’t even know if that makes any sense nowadays), ruling out stuff like the buffering of mp3’s etc., but nothing seems to help. If you know something, or can point me in the right direction, I’d be much obliged.

    Looking forward to your answer and with kind regards,
    Danny E.K. van der Kolk.

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