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JavaFX, easy use of tiles

Continuing my little JavaFX framework for game development, right now focused on use those tiles I’m drawing and posting here in my blog. This framework will be a group of classes for simplify and hide some complexities of common game development. Right now I wrote just a few of them.


We create a tileset from the files.png file that way

var tileset = Tileset {
    cols: 15 rows: 10 height: 32 width: 32
    image: Image {
        url: "{__DIR__}tiles.png"


Tileset are orthogonal, distributed into a grid of cols columns and rows rows. Each tile have dimensions height x width.

A Tileset is used into a Tilemap

var bg = Tilemap {
    set:tileset cols:5 rows:5
    map: [8,8,8,8,8,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3]

That shows

bg tilemap

Each number in the map represents a tile in the tilemap. Number 0 means the first tile at the upper left corner, numbers keep growing from left to right columns, from top to bottom rows.

Another example

var things = Tilemap {
    set:tileset cols:5 rows:5
    map: [80,55,56,145,145,96,71,72,61,62,0,0,0,77,78,122,0,0,93,94,138,0,0,0,0]

things tileset

A tilemap can also contains more than one layer

var room = Tilemap {
    set:tileset cols:5 rows:5 layers:2
    map: [



The Tileset class basically stores a Image and a collection of Rectangle2D objects, for be used as viewports in ImageView classes.

import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D;

public class Tileset {
    public-init var      image: Image;
    public-init var      width: Integer = 32;
    public-init var     height: Integer = 32;
    public-init var       rows: Integer = 10;
    public-init var       cols: Integer = 15;
    protected   var       tile: Rectangle2D[];

    init {
        tile =  for (row in [0..rows]) {
            for (col in [0..cols]) {
                    minX: col * width, minY: row * height
                    height: width, width: height

The Tilemap is a CustomNode with a Group of ImageViews in a grid. The grid is mounted by iterating over the map as many layers was defined.

public class Tilemap extends CustomNode {
    public-init var   rows: Integer = 10;
    public-init var   cols: Integer = 10;
    public-init var    set: Tileset;
    public-init var layers: Integer = 1;
    public-init var    map: Integer[];

    public override function create(): Node {
        var tilesperlayer = rows * cols;
        return Group {
                for (layer in [0..layers]) {
                    for (row in [0..rows-1]) {
                        for (col in [0..cols-1]) {
                            ImageView {
                                image: set.image x: col * set.width y: row * set.height
                                viewport: set.tile[map[tilesperlayer*layer + row*rows+col]]

Next steps

  • Integrate to a map editor
  • Support some XML map format
  • Sprite classes for animation
  • Integrate those collision detection classes I posted before


Published inenglish


  1. samuel samuel

    Só por curiosidade, o que você vai usar para detectar colisão?
    coordenadas em pixels ou tiles?

  2. Erica Erica

    Just starting with JavaFX and stumbled on this. Very helpful!

    One small note, I think this line:
    for (layer in [0..layers]) {
    should read
    for (layer in [0..layers – 1]) {
    Otherwise there will always be an all-zero layer drawing on top of your actual map. 🙂

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