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Silveira Neto Posts

Some Zelda BOTW Amiibos. I’m having a lot of fun with this game.

Mighty bananas for scale.

#wiiu #zeldabreathofthewild #zeldabotw #botw #nintendo #amiibo #videogames #videogame #videogamer #guardian #bokoblin #link #zelda.

New magnet in our refrigerator. In one hand, according to the Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull you could survive a nuclear explosion in a refrigerator. In the other hand, we should collectively forget that movie ever existed.
This also reminds me the building I used to live in DC. It had a sign like this, original reminiscent from the cold war, in the underground garage. Everyday when I was parking it would remind me that at least my car was safe from residual radioactive particules..

When you need your I-94 but their Angular is broken. #i94 #angular #javascript #fail

Bluetooth pairing a Sony MDR-ZX780DC with a Mac

1. Press and hold the power button for more than 7 seconds while the headphones are turn off.
2. You will see the led light in the phone blinking red and blue alternately.
3. Now in the Mac, open System Preferences -> Bluetooth and turn the bluetooth on if it is not. You should see the MDR-ZX780DC in the list. Click pair for this device.

4. You should be ready to use it. If it is connected but you hear no sound, check at System Preferences -> Sound if MDR-ZX780DC is selected is the default output.

Ragtime, the musical. Excellent! I highly recommend it. Currently at the Ford’s Theatre..

Fountains of Bellagio playing Beatles’ Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

#bellagio #bellagiofountains #lasvegasstrip #lasvegas #nevada #eiffeltowerlasvegas #parislasvegas #beatles

How to lose money:
1. Put money in the money loosing machine.
2. Push buttons, lose money.

In the unlikely and infinitesimal probability of failure of this method (i.e. if you actually made some money) just repeat from step 1 until all money is gone.

#tutorial #lasvegas #casino #nevada #gambling #algorithm.

Luxor pyramid light beam.

#luxor #pyramid #lasvegasstrip #lasvegas #nevada.