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Tag: art

The Fall (2006), Tarsem Singh

Cinema is about the ancient art of telling stories. Is about breaking the chains that hold our minds. Entertainment is good but is not good enough. We can do more and we can do better. The Fall (2006), from Tarsem Singh, is a movie that knows this. This is my kind of movie.

Roy Walker (Lee Pace) and Alexandria (Catinca Untaru)

The plot is about Alexandria, a injured girl recovering in the hospital when she meets another patient, Roy Walker, and he tells her fantasy histories. The difference of age between them creates a language gap that is very interesting and well explored in the movie as it uses a lot of symbolism. Going deeper in the language issue some dialogues between them were improvised and had an impact in the original history giving a layer of authenticity to the movie.

In terms of photography, every frame of the movie is a piece of art by itself. Here are some of them:

This is what I’m talking about

Faceless evil soldiers.

Colors and composition.

A perfectly good excuse for filming a elephant swimming.

Subtle tribute to Godfather. One of many tributes in the movie.

This scene reminded me of the Balinese monkey chant from Baraka (1992). Bonus: Avatar (2009) also did it.

A stop motion scene.

Almost every scene is breathtaking and probably was really hard to film.

Seems that they used …

… a lot of blue ink.

One of the many amazing scenes that lasted less than 1 second!

Wide shot.

In summary, it have all the ingredients to make a movie that I love:

  • Amazing photography.
  • A non-trivial plot. Doesn’t need to be really complex (though I like complex). In this case was a plot inside the plot.
  • Language and symbolism.
  • The struggle for (pick as many as you want): life, identity, purpose, love, and freedom.
  • Do not underestimate the mind and the imagination,
  • Good actors, good interpretation and when possible some improvisation.
  • Subtle references as an icing on the cake.


Go see this movie.

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Old City Hall Richmond

Those are two pictures that I took at Old City Hall in Richmond, Virginia, USA.

I really enjoyed the second one. The composition of the triangles of trees (Asymmetrical Balance), the pole (Rule of Thirds) and the curved sidewalk that makes a path for the eyes.

But the picture wont fit in the proportion for my wallpaper so I put the two together using Gimp making the necessary adjustments to fit everything together in a 1920:1080 ratio picture.

We can say there is is one tree representing each season: the green at left as Summer, the white cherry blossom as Spring, the one without leaves as Winter and the last with brown leaves as Autumn. Unfortunately the sidewalk and triangles lose the original effect but the pole in the middle created an interesting one.

The high resolution picture is available in my Flickr. I used a Canon Powershot G10.

bug invaders

Sem dúvida os post-its nos tornam mais ágeis e são indispensáveis para metodologias que fazem uso de dashboards como Scrum. Mas o que fazer com as toneladas de post-its que são gerados e descartados? E o impacto ambiental? E o meio ambiente? E as araras-azuis?

Eis minha intervenção artística no escritório. Bug Invaders (sugestão de nome do Diego “Diegão” Andrade), nada mais justo já que umas das funcionalidades dos post-its é manter um rastro dos bugs e issues em aberto.

  • Lixo é ressignificado em arte (ao menos por um período antes de virar lixo outra vez).
  • Deixa o ambiente mais divertido.
  • Pixel art! Foram gastos 48 pixels.
  • Nostalgia.