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OpenSolaris at InfoBrasil 2008

Me and people talking about OpenSolaris

InfoBrasil is a tradicional IT business event in my city. This year we got a space for Open Source and Free Software where I did a presentation about OpenSolaris. I posted our grid yesterday.

That was my first presentation about OpenSolaris so I focused to showing that OpenSolaris 2008.5 is a  GNU/OpenSolaris distribution but you can access features like ZFS, DTrace and Zones. I used those slides that Tirthankar Das, Solaris Cluster Engineering at Sun Microsystems, did for FISL 2008. Most of the audience was composed from students and they showed very impressed with ZFS. In my next OpenSolaris presentation I’ll try to focus more on ZFS demos. 😉 Someone in the audience did a random number generator code live. We used it to prize some OpenSolaris gifts like tshirts and sticks. 😀

OpenSolaris in action

I hope that for now on that we can use better this space and for establish a good dialog between communities, governments and enterprises.

All photos ares avaliable at my personal album for that event.

Tech Demo February

Today I did one more Tech Demo about Netbeans and also Sun Academmic Initiative and Community Innovation Awards Program.

Below are the slides (in Portuguese). They are an continuation from those from the last demo. You can also download them in ODP or PDF.

I have really little time to prepare this presentation (one day) but everything goes right. I prepared the slides during the night, took some food, soft drinks and gifts, called the students using our mail list. We had few people but was a good audience for the first weak of the university calendar.

Some guys at the beginning of the demo.

We talked two hours about stuff like:

  • Netbeans: Netbeans history, architecture and available modules. We did a demo showing some functionalities and I showed how use Issuezilla to report an bug.
  • Sun Academmic Initiative: how can we benefit from the program using Sun Learning Connection and 60% discount for Sun Certifications.
  • Community Innovation Awards Program: Sun Microsystems is giving one million dollars for innovations in Open and Free Software. I showed to the students details of the program and how to participate.

Hora do almoço
Lunch: Sfiha and soda.

Sorteio de Brindes
We used the JavaFX Wheel of Fortune for give prizes.

The next tech demo will be about one of those themes: JavaFX, Opensolaris or How to develop a module for Netbeans. I’m open for suggestions.

More photos at Flickr.