Right in this moment you can choose between three options to develop JavaFX:
- Use the old version of JavaFX, interpreted. Not recommended.
- Use the JavaFX Milestone 3. Little bit old but more stable.
- Use the JavaFX Continuous Build. Is more dangerous but give us fresh builds. 🙂
I did this little script to download the last version of JavaFX continuos build and install it for you.
#download and unpatch the last build of JavaFx
mkdir jfx
cd jfx
wget http://openjfx.java.sun.com/hudson/job/openjfx-compiler/lastBuild/artifact/openjfx-compiler/dist//*zip*/dist.zip
unzip dist.zip
rm dist.zip
#set files at bin folder as executable
chmod +x dist/bin/*
#add those executables to the path
echo "PATH=\$PATH:`pwd`/dist/bin" >> $envfile
Save this script as install_jfx.sh and execute it. Probably you want to execute it at you home directory. If you want to install JavaFX to root change envfile for /root/.bash_profile, if you want to install to all users change for /etc/profile. I tested this script successfully on my Ubuntu 8.04.
After that open a new terminal and try to see if javafx, javafxc and javafxdoc are available. You can test your enviroment with this simple program.
import javafx.ui.*;
import java.lang.*;
Frame {
visible: true
content: FlowPanel {
content: Button {
var n = 0
text: bind Integer.toString(n)
action: function() {
Save it as Counter.fx, compile with javafxc Counter.fx and so execute it with javafx Counter.fx.
To know more, take a look into the preliminary JavaFX API or in the article Using JavaFX GUI Toolkit.