To Apache Web Server correctly handles yours JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) files, modify or create a .htaccess file in the top directory of your web site and add the following:
AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file   .jnlp
AddType application/x-java-archive-diff .jardiff
Without these MIME-types, the user would see the xml jnlp file as a plain text in the browser. After that you can link to yours Java Web Start applications with a icon like this one:
In a game I wrote some years ago we handled simple rectangular collisions. Given the points:
We did:
// returning 0 means collision
int collision(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int cx, int cy, int dx, int dy){
return ((ax > dx)||(bx < cx)||(ay > dy)||(by < cy));
I'll show here a little demo about how implement simple rectangular collisions on JavaFX.
First I created a movable rectangle using the same idea of draggable nodes I already had posted before.
You can use rectangular collisions to create bounding boxes to handle collisions in more complex shapes or sprites. Is a common approach in 2d games to avoid more expensive calculations.
There are space for optimizations.
In this case I'm using only two objects. Some problems raises when I have N objects to handle.
This way we can pass just two bounding boxes to hitnode and easily check collision of a node against a list of bounding boxes nodes.
Using the same approach I also wrote this function to test if a Node is inside another Node:
function inside (ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy):Boolean{
return ((ax > cx) and (bx < dx) and (ay > cy) and (by < dy));
function insidenode(a:Node,b:Node):Boolean{
return (inside(
a.getBoundsX(), a.getBoundsY(),
a.getBoundsX() + a.getWidth(), a.getBoundsY() + a.getHeight(),
b.getBoundsX(), b.getBoundsY(),
b.getBoundsX() + b.getWidth(), b.getBoundsY() + b.getHeight()
Soon I'll post game examples showing how to use this method and others collission detection methods.
Lines 14 to 42 is the same dragging approach I showed in the post Draggable Nodes, but this time creating a class that inherits the behavior of ImageView.
Lines 44 to 57 is the Duke that changes when you click on it. It cycles over the dukesimages list.
Lines 59 to 75 is just instantiations of all toys and objects we will use to dress the Duke. Look how easier was to create and place a image.
Lines 78 to the end is just creating a Frame and putting all elements on it.
Download a package with the NetBeans project, sources, libraries and images, DukePotato.tar.gz.
As I promised, those slides I used in my fsat presentation JavaFX Introduction at the 4th Ceará Games Developers meeting on CESOL. It’s not the final version of these slides but I’m releasing them because they already can be useful for someone.
I started to make several small JavaFX game demos. I’m doing that to fell where JavaFX is good to make this sort of game and what patterns would be frequently needed to implement, where I will place a little framework for fast development of simple casual games. What I’m calling now just ‘GameFX’. My first experiment was to creating a side scrolling animation that’s is usefull to create the parallax effect in side scrolling games. For that I created the class Slidding. You create an Slidding with a set of nodes and they will slide from right to left and when a node reaches the left side it back to the right side.
You create a Slidding with a list of Nodes at content, a clock (that will determine the speed of that animation) and a width. If you don’t provide a width, the slidding will do the best effort to determine one. You can use this approach to create more complex scenarios, using more Slidding groups.
This is a example of that:
import javafx.application.*;
import javafx.animation.*;
import javafx.scene.geometry.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.*;
import javafx.scene.*;
import gamefx.Slidding;
var SCREENW = 500;
var SCREENH = 400;
/* the sky is a light blue rectangle */
var sky = Rectangle {
width: SCREENW, height: SCREENH
fill: LinearGradient {
startX: 0.0 , startY: 0.0
endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
proportional: true
stops: [
Stop { offset: 0.0 color: Color.LIGHTBLUE },
Stop { offset: 0.7 color: Color.LIGHTYELLOW },
Stop { offset: 1.0 color: Color.YELLOW }
/* the ground is a olive rectangle */
var ground = Rectangle {
translateY: 300
width: 500, height: 100
fill: LinearGradient {
startX: 0.0 , startY: 0.0
endX: 0.0, endY: 1.0
proportional: true
stops: [
Stop { offset: 0.2 color: Color.OLIVE },
Stop { offset: 1.0 color: Color.DARKOLIVEGREEN }
/* a clod cloud is like an ellipse */
class Cloud extends Ellipse {
override attribute radiusX = 50;
override attribute radiusY = 25;
override attribute fill = Color.WHITESMOKE;
override attribute opacity = 0.5;
/* we create a slidding of clouds */
var clouds = Slidding {
content: [
Cloud{centerX: 100, centerY: 100},
Cloud{centerX: 150, centerY: 20},
Cloud{centerX: 220, centerY: 150},
Cloud{centerX: 260, centerY: 200},
Cloud{centerX: 310, centerY: 40},
Cloud{centerX: 390, centerY: 150},
Cloud{centerX: 450, centerY: 30},
Cloud{centerX: 550, centerY: 100},
clock: 0.2s
var SUNX = 100;
var SUNY = 300;
var rotation = 0;
/* the sun, with it's corona */
var sun = Group {
rotate: bind rotation
anchorX: SUNX, anchorY: SUNY
content: [
for (i in [0..11]) {
Arc {
centerX: SUNX, centerY: SUNY
radiusX: 500, radiusY: 500
startAngle: 2 * i * (360 / 24), length: 360 / 24
type: ArcType.ROUND
fill: Color.YELLOW
opacity: 0.3
Circle {
centerX: SUNX, centerY: SUNY, radius: 60
fill: Color.YELLOW
/* animate the corona changing the it rotation angle */
var anim = Timeline {
repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE
keyFrames : [
KeyFrame {
time : 0s
values: rotation => 0.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR
KeyFrame {
time : 2s
values: rotation => (360.0/12) tween Interpolator.LINEAR
/* a tree is a simple polygon */
class Tree extends Polygon{
public attribute x = 0;
public attribute y = 0;
override attribute points = [0,0, 10,30, -10,30];
override attribute fill = Color.DARKOLIVEGREEN;
translateX = x;
translateY = y;
/* a forest is a lot of trees */
var forest = Slidding{
content: [
Tree{x: 20, y: 320}, Tree{x: 80, y: 280}, Tree{x:120, y: 330},
Tree{x:140, y: 280}, Tree{x:180, y: 310}, Tree{x:220, y: 320},
Tree{x:260, y: 280}, Tree{x:280, y: 320}, Tree{x:300, y: 300},
Tree{x:400, y: 320}, Tree{x:500, y: 280}, Tree{x:500, y: 320}
clock: 0.1s
width: SCREENW
Frame {
title: "Side Scrolling"
width: SCREENW
height: SCREENH
closeAction: function() {
java.lang.System.exit( 0 );
visible: true
stage: Stage {
content: [sky, sun, clouds, ground, forest]
If you want to try these examples, place this Slidding implementation as Slidding.fx in a directory named gamefx, or grab here the NetBeans project.
package gamefx;
import javafx.scene.CustomNode;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
* The slidding group of nodes for side scrolling animations.
* @example
* Slidding {
* width: 300
* content: [
* Circle { centerX: 100, centerY: 100, radius: 40, fill: Color.RED },
* Circle { centerX: 200, centerY: 100, radius: 40, fill: Color.BLUE },
* ]
* clock: 0.05s
* }
public class Slidding extends CustomNode {
public attribute content: Node[];
public attribute clock = 0.1s;
public attribute width: Number;
public attribute autostart = true;
public attribute cycle = true;
public attribute anim = Timeline {
repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE
keyFrames : [
KeyFrame {
time : clock
action: function() {
for(node in content){
if (node.getX() + node.translateX + node.getWidth() <= 0){
node.translateX = width - node.getX();
} else {
delete node from content;
} // action
} // keyframe
} // timeline
public function create(): Node {
// if width is not setted, we try to figure out
if(width == 0) {
for(node in content) {
if(node.getX() + node.getWidth() > width) {
width = node.getX() + node.getWidth();
// normaly the slidding will start automaticaly
// just a Group of Nodes
return Group {
content: content
Is not the final implementation but it’s a idea. Soon I’ll show a demo game I did using theses codes.
This month, August 2008, from days 18 to 22 you have a opportunity to ask question about the JavaFX SDK Preview and get answers from experts on that topics. The Ask the Experts program requires no login, and allows you to submit questions at a time convenient to you.
These three experts Software Engineers from Sun Microsystems and related with JavaFX project will be answering questions about JavaFX:
One thing that I like a lot to do with JavaFX is draggable objects. Due to some recent changes in the JavaFX syntax my old codes for that are no longer working. Joshua Marinacci from Sun’s JavaFX engineering team and other guys from the JavaFX community gave me some tips. Here some strategies I’m using for making draggable nodes in JavaFX.
In this first example, a simple draggable ellipse.
When you need to create a group of draggable objects, you can try thie approach of a draggable group like this. Inside on it, you can put whatever you want.