Rafael Carneiro, Tarso Bersa, Rafael Ponte and me, after 8 hours of bus travel, arrived in Juazeiro do Norte to talk at the first JavaDay there.

- Rafael Carneiro talked about Java Certification.
- Tarso Bersa talked about Spring Framework for JEE applications.
- I talked about NetBeans 6.
- Rafael Ponte talked about JavaServer Faces.
We answered a lot of questions and gave lot of gifts. I also showed the Sun Academic Initiative, which they are already subscribed. We also showed several opportunities they can participate with CEJUG like free vouchers or a free travel for Belgium.
Some pictures we took. These ones during the bus travel. We saw a nice sunrise through beautiful landscapes.

We playing guitar hero. 😀 The city have their own shopping with games, restaurant and cinema.

The main atraction at Juazeiro is a statue of Padre (Priest) CÃcero with 7 meters itself and more 8 meters of base. Pilgrimage to this statue takes place in his honour every November, attracting thousands of followers. The city’s economy is highly influenced by those travelers devotes.

There’s a museum with several personal objects from Padre Cicero. People go there in order to thanks for miracles. If you got your a part of your body cured, of place there a wooden replica of that part of your body. If you got a car, you place a wooden car or a photo, and so on. There is thousands, maybe millions, of objects theres.

You can see all photos at Carneiro’s album or in my album.