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Tag: SVG

More Dukes

More Dukes we’re creating to use in the 6th CEJUG’s birthday.

The first one is a Duke intented to be used as a badge. We should tie string in both hands and transform it in a badge for the event.

Original SVG version: duke_badge.svg

The second is a general purpouse Duke sign. You can print them in blank and use a brush to write on it.

Original SVG version: duke_sign.svg

Café Com Tapioca Jazoon

Fotografia de fundo do poster é de P.B. Rage, sob licença Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic.

Esse mês teremos um Café Com Tapioca diferente. Para começar não será realizado em uma universidade e sim em uma barraca de praia.
Amaury Brasil, André Paes, Herbert de Aquino, Rafael Tabosa, Rafael Carneiro e René Araújo vão contar as experiências da caravana do CEJUG que foi para a europa participar do Jazoon. Ou seja, vamos ter palestras técnicas também mas vai ser um encontro mais informal, algo como um luau. Inclusive com dois engradados de cerveja de graça para o jug, mas o resto e por conta de cada um. 😉

Mais informações do site do evento.

Poster em SVG: cct_jazoon.svg

OpenSolaris SVG Poster

Sometimes we just need an good template for organizing a OpenSolaris event, I didn’t found a good one in a reusable format so I did this empty OpenSolaris SVG Poster.

OpenSolaris SVG Poster
Download the svg file: opensolaris_poster.svg

But why an SVG poster? SVG means Scalable Vector Graphics, an XML specification and file format for describing two-dimensional vector graphics. If you use a typical bitmap format like png, gif or jpg and need to scale the image you will loss image quality.

Example of loss of image quality in a bitmap format

Using a vector graphics format you can scaled the image indefinitely without loss of image quality.

Example of loseless quality in svg image

Additionally is a free and open format and also very reusable. You can edit and use it in a broad set of tools, from a scalable image editor like Inkscape to, believe it or not, Netbeans!