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Tag: Unicode art

Jeep Wrangler ASCII Art Collection

Some ASCII/ANSI/Shift_JIS/Unicode art of Jeep Wranglers. They are easy to modify and introduce your own customizations.

These I found on the web:

 |          | 
|_\ o||||o /_| 
|_|        |_| 

                 //    _||||  | |  | | |
          ______//_\__j_|||"--" "--" | |  _
         /-----+-|p  ==,|||__________|_|-|W|
        _j,====. |b_____|||  _____     | |W|
       |_) ,---.`.`------'|.',---.`.___|_|W|
         `/ .-. \\`======__// .-. \`-----'""
          \ `-' / """""""   \ `-' /
           `---'             `---'     hjw

 |_| L\___

/l ,[____],
l---L -O||||||O-


        // ̄ヽ_( ・(ェ)・)  ____
       | ̄ ̄|_ (⊃/ ̄ ̄ ̄(O|||||O)
 .⌒ヽ ,;;; | / ̄ヽ ||___|// ̄ヽ ̄| |||||/ヽ
 (";"':;.):;゙ |_| ◎ |___ | ◎ .| |=======
   ⌒;:ヽ;; ヽ_//     ヽ_// ヽ_//
~~~~´゙`゙゙´´ ~~~~゙`゙´``´゙`゙゙´´ ~~゙゙´``´`´ ~~~

()_)¯¯ )_)



This one I created:

  ▓█ ██ █✌ຈل͜ຈ █▄▄▄▄▄
    â–“â–“ â–“â–“   â–“â–“       â–“â–“

This one is a remix of one from hjw (Hayley Jane Wakenshaw) with an extra door, i.e. the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited.

                 //    _|||    || |   | | |
          ______//_\__j_|||____|| "---" | |  _
         /-----+-|p  ==,|||p ==,|_______|_|-|W|
        _j,====. |b_____|||b    /_____    | |W|
       |_) ,---.`.`------'|----.',---.`.__|_|W|
         `/ .-. \\`======__====// .-. \`---'""
          \ `-' / """""""  """" \ `-' /
           `---'                 `---'  

A remix of this post from @TwitAA_bot:

  __________ ⌒彡
 |          |冫、)
 |__________|` /
 /\__----__/\ /
|_\ o||||o /_|
|_|        |_|
