An simple color picker that can be also used as a gadget.
import javafx.ui.*; import javafx.ui.canvas.*; var colors = [red:Color, orange:Color, yellow:Color, green:Color, cyan:Color,blue:Color, magenta:Color, gray:Color]; var chosenColor: Paint; chosenColor = black:Color; var x = 120; var y = 70; Canvas{ content: Group{ transform: bind translate(x,y) content: [Star{ points: sizeof colors rin: 30 rout: 50 fill: bind chosenColor onMouseDragged: operation(e) { x += e.localDragTranslation.x; y += e.localDragTranslation.y; } }, foreach (i in [1..sizeof colors]) Circle { var: self transform: [rotate(i*360/sizeof colors,0,0), translate(50,0)] radius: 10 fill: colors[i%sizeof colors] onMouseClicked: operation (e){ chosenColor = self.fill; } }] } }
any tutorial how to install an application in Nokia devices (S60)
Não tenho nem ideia de onde colocar esse código! To precisando de um adaptar um color picker num formulário mas tá complicado.